Stained carpets are a challenge because not everyone knows how to get rid of wine stains on carpets and deep set dirt. If you love staying indoors as weather gets chilly and enjoying a glass or two of wine, you’ve probably handled a spill or two that has required residential carpet cleaning. This is why Bee Cleaner in Summit, NJ recommends deep carpet cleaning as the best stained carpet remedy.
Is my wine stain permanent?
Most people handle spills the same way. With wine stains, the amount of time you take makes a difference than if you are cleaning up other types of foods and liquids. You want to lift the color out of the carpet fibers and not let it dry – “set.” Unfortunately, due to the color and high acidity of alcohol on fabric, wine stains set very quickly. Are all stains permanent? No. Chromogens are the pigmented particles in red wine, and they can even stain teeth. It’s not a surprise they can stain your home carpet, too!
- Avoid hot water when treating a wine stain at first. Use cold water.
- Baking soda can help loosen fiber stains and prevent setting.
- Call an expert carpet cleaner as soon as possible to analyze carpets for wine stains.
How to Clean Wine Stains
If you have cleaned any food stains before, wine stains are similar. They just require some patience! There are many household items that help with wine stains like baking soda, salt, cold water, laundry detergent spot removers, and even hydrogen peroxide. Remember, the goal is to not set the stain. Keeping it damp and treated will allow a professional cleaner to successfully remove the stain from the deep fibers.
Deep Carpet Cleaning – Summit, NJ
Wine is a great way to share cocktail hour or dinner with friends in the fall. People enjoy trying new wines and some people host wine tasting activities in their own homes. Of course, not all wines are red, but many proper wine tasting and dinner events will have red wine as an option. If you are hosting an event in Summit, NJ and serving wine, you will likely have to deal with wine stain removal soon enough. Sometimes in the moment of an event, there is no time to be an expert on how to get rid of wine stains and that’s how stains end up setting.
The reason you need deep carpet cleaning for wine stains is that you don’t want to damage the carpet or let the stain set. If you use hot water, the pigment will dilute and spread into a light pink halo, and carpets are not ideal for using boiling water as that can cause other issues. You want to use commonsense with your stained carpet and treat the small area as best possible. Deep carpet cleaning will piggyback off of your initial treatment and get rid of the stain.
Wine Stains
There are many kinds of wine stains and ways for how to get rid of wine stains. Wine can also leave a smell due to the alcohol content, and depending on the type of vineyard, you may be dealing with fruity or fermenting smells along with the stain. This is why treating the superficial stain is not the end of treatment. Deep carpet cleaning allows to remove the remnants of pigment and scent off of the deep carpet fibers.
These are some ways in which deep carpet cleaning can help you with wine stains.
- How to get wine stain out from carpets in Summit, NJ
- Remove alcohol smells from carpets in Summit, NJ
- Removing faded wine pigments from carpet in Summit, NJ
- Get rid of smell wine tasting event accidents on carpet in Summit, NJ
- Remove old wine stains and chromogens in Summit, NJ
- Get rid of deep fiber stains on carpets in Summit, NJ
Stained Carpet Remedy
The best stained carpet remedy is a professional carpet cleaning by Bee Cleaner in Summit, NJ. Bee Cleaner uses a proven system to protect residential carpets while also removing unwanted stains and odors. Nick started his business with the intention of preserving the quality of a carpet while truly cleaning what you can and cannot see. Residential carpet cleaning is special in that homeowners usually invest in their rugs. You don’t want a simple wine spill accident to destroy an expensive carpet or force you to throw it away. You can avoid this by calling Bee Cleaner for a consultation today at (973) 486-4234.